MEAT for Cats and Dogs Delivery Policies:
- We deliver Tuesday through Thursday
- Orders must be placed and paid for by 12:30pm for same day deliver (orders only accepted on delivery days).
- Deliveries occur between 1-3pm.
- Minimum purchase is $25.
- When placing an order please provide the following:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Email (for delivery confirmation)
- Items and Quantities for Purchase
- Specific Delivery Instructions
- Delivery of frozen items requires a cooler be available.
- If necessary, MEAT for Cats and Dogs coolers are available for purchase.
- You need not be present for delivery.
- We will gladly deliver to your work.
- All discounts will apply to delivery orders.
- Frequent buyer cards will be updated.
- If you have earned free product, we are happy to deliver it along with your minimum $25 order.
- All returns need to be made in-store.
- We will not be delivering on Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Years Day.
Delivery costs:
- $5 between (roughly) Broadway-Hawthorne to Cesar Chavez-the Willamette River
- $10 between (roughly) Alberta-Woodstock to 82nd-West 14th
- $15 between (roughly) Lombard-Johnson Creek to 122nd-Washington Park